So many entrepreneurs have great ideas for businesses, small and large, that could make a killing in the open market. The problem? They aren’t sure…
How to Navigate Christmas Dinner and Vaccination Requests this Holiday Season
This holiday season, many will face the decision of whether to allow others into their home. Alternatively, some people may be asked to show evidence…
How much notice should a licensee receive before an eviction?
When there is no contract, and no rent payment, what kind of notice is required prior to suing for unlawful detainer? (eviction) Today, we review…
Can a school punish students for snapchat posts?
On June 23rd, the Supreme Court published its opinion in Mahoney Area School District v. B.L. (2021) No. 20–255. At issue in this case: the…
NFT’s don’t actually track ownership
“The ownership of a thing is the right of one or more persons to possess and use it to the exclusion of others. In this…
How to convert adverse possession into permissive permission without consent
With adverse possession, it’s all about this thing called “hostility.” In general, a person has to hold the property in a way that is hostile…
How illegal is your weekly poker game?
California Penal Code proscribes “faro, monte, roulette, lansquenet, rouge et noire, rondo, tan, fan-tan, seven-and-a-half, twenty-one, hokey-pokey, or any banking or percentage game played with…
Can an investor sue for damages when the corporation never forms?
You have put in the long hours, and although it pains you, you decided that you must abandon the business venture. What liability do you…
Unregistered Securities: They just became easier.
Whether you partner with investors for real estate dealings, or you just like to stay current on securities law, this is important information that you need to know.
Can Grocery Stores succeed in fighting the $4 “hero pay” wage hikes?
Can Corporations claim a violation of the Equal Protection Clause? Over the last week, several cities passed laws granting $4 pay raises affecting grocery store…