I don’t often have conservatorship consultations, but I saw that later this week, somebody booked me to talk about conservatorship and whether it is the right choice in their situation. It got me thinking that so many people don’t understand conservatorships, and the only reference that most people have is Britney Spears.
If you’re wondering whether you need to get a conservatorship over a parent, the first step is determining whether your parent needs to be conserved. There are two different conservatorships in California: the conservatorship of the person and the estate. Conservatorship of the person means you will be responsible for making decisions about your parent’s health and well-being. In contrast, conservatorship of the estate means that you will be responsible for managing your parent’s finances.
The court will consider several factors to determine whether your parent needs to be conserved. These may include their physical and mental condition, their ability to make financial or healthcare decisions, and the risk of financial exploitation or elder abuse.
If you believe your parent needs to be conserved, you can start the process by consulting with an elder law attorney. They will help you understand your options and guide you through each step of the process. Whether it is a conservatorship of the person or estate you need, your elder law attorney can help you navigate the legal system and protect your parent’s best interests.
Getting a conservatorship over a parent can feel like a daunting task. But with the proper support and guidance, it is one that you can successfully navigate and ultimately ensure that your parent is taken care of and protected. So if you are worried that your parent needs to be conserved, don’t hesitate to reach out for help today. Your elder law attorney will be there every step to guide you through this process and help ensure that your parent gets the care they need and deserve.
If your parent is located in Kern County, please consider Coleman & Horowitt LLP as one of your options. As you move forward in your journey, Coleman & Horowitt would love to provide information and assistance. Call 661-325-1300 to schedule a consultation.